Peru Climbing : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Hey. Wondering if anyone has Climbed in Peru. trying to plan a trip and looking for Beta on routes and other stuff. If you've been, please drop me a mail, I would love to pick your brain a little! Thanks!!

-- Mike (, April 10, 2001


Hi Mike, I was in Peru for climbing during the summer of 1999. It's a wonderful country and there is a lot of peaks to be climbed there. Not really sure what kind of climb you are interested in. There is a couple of climbing guides you can refeer to but I don't remember the exact titles. email me if you are interested and I will check and give you the exact references. Some nice climbs you may be interested in are Urus and Ishinqua (two easy but nice ones to warm-up and get acclimatize), Tocclaraju (a really nice mountain and more technical climb) and the classical but also harder Alpamayo. Anyway, email me and I will be more than happy to help you if I can.


-- Carl Veilleux (, April 11, 2001.

Hi, I am a New Zealander looking for a local, low cost, experieced guide to climb Alpamayo and Hascauan Peru in 5th June- 3rd July. Can anyone help with a suggestion. Cheers Mike

-- Mike Allsop (, March 21, 2003.

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