RCIA program and a past abortion

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

If one is currently enrolled in RCIA program yet has had a past (years ago) abortion, what are the repercussions if this sin is confessed? I guess excommunication is not an option since this is person is not catholic yet...

A quick reply would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

-- tracy mackey (temdesign@yahoo.com), April 11, 2001



You are right about excommunication, Tracy. Not applicable.

If the person in RCIA is a non-Christian (not yet baptized), the Sacrament of Baptism will bring about complete forgiveness of all guilt and remission of all temporal punishment for the abortion and every other personal sin, mortal and venial (not to mention Original Sin). Confession will not be necessary, but post-abortion counselling (via Project Rachel or something similar) would be much advised.

But if the person is a baptized Christian, he/she must soon make a first Confession -- in which all mortal sins (by kind and number) that can be recalled must be mentioned. That would include the abortion. [I used "he/she" because millions of men have been guilty of being accomplices to abortion.]

St. James, pray for us. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
God bless you and the new convert!

-- J. F. Gecik (jgecik@desc.dla.mil), April 11, 2001.

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