goats for salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
It sure doesn't take long to get more goats than you need and have room for. I live in north central Arkansas and have 4 three year old milkers for sale. Three of them are saanan nubian crosses from good registered stock and one is american saanan, they are all good clean well behaved goats and are very people friendly. They've all been wormed and vacinated. They are well behaved on the stand and have been milked by hand and by machine. These are my first girls and I really hate to get rid of them, but I bought a nice little saanan buck last year and have some gorgeous kids that I plan to keep. I hope this is a ok post, Thanks, email me if your interested.Sherry
-- sherry (chickadee259@yahoo.com), April 11, 2001
Sherry,Still have those goats for sale?
-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@Excite.com), June 08, 2001.