More goats for sale : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi, I also have goats for sale. These are purebreed Nubians, some were just born, and some are a year old, and there are some older ones also. These are all VERY friendly, goats. They are at the farm in Florida, so if anyone is interested, let me know. Sissy

-- Sissy Sylvester-Barth (, April 11, 2001


GEEEEZ! All these goats for sale and not a single one in my HALF of the country.... AW D***!!!!!

Wish I could help, but - good luck!!!!!

-- Sue Diederich (, April 11, 2001.

Sissy Could you let me know exactly what you have and what you are asking for them? Are they registered? Dianne

-- Dianne (, April 17, 2001.

Sissy, are these CAE negative? If so, can you let me know how much. Thanks.

-- Sonya (, April 18, 2001.

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