From eggs to eggs again (Hen left nest - when will she lay again) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My hen stopped sitting on her eggs so they died. How long will it take her to start producing eggs again?

-- Stephen D Hill (, April 11, 2001


Response to From eggs to eggs again

When my hen hatched her chicks she took two-three weeks to lay again. Of course, the chicks were put into a cage close by to keep them safe from other birds, and maybe hearing the chicks kept her from laying. Not sure.. that's just my experience. That particular Australorp hatched out two nest fulls that summer. Sorry about the eggs. What type of breed was it? ~Brenda~

-- Brenda (, April 11, 2001.

Response to From eggs to eggs again

I had a hen that did that every year. She'd go up to the last week and jump off! Sure frustrated me! It took probably close to 2 wks. before she laid again. I don't let her set on a batch of eggs anymore. She had her chance.

-- Pat (, April 12, 2001.

Response to From eggs to eggs again

Same thing happened to me. I let her sit on the nest for 2 weeks and then she just stopped setting. I wasn't very happy with her. Is there anyway to get them to keep setting once they start?

Stacy Rohan in Windsor, NY

-- Stacy Rohan (, April 12, 2001.

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