How to convert a Symmar 240mm to : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I saw the question and answers for this similar subject of april 10. I have this lense myself, but I need some advise on how to detach the front of the lense. Are there any screws to loosen
-- Einar F. Saastad (, April 12, 2001
under normal circumstances, not, however some lenses might be mounted with retaining rings or screws .
-- Andrea Milano (, April 12, 2001.
The lens groups unscrew from the shutter like a bottletop from a bottle. Turn counterclockwise to loosen.They are often stuck in place and require a fair amount of force to loosen if they are in that condition.
Steve Grimes.
-- Steve Grimes (, April 12, 2001.
My 300/500 Convertible Symmar is converted by unscrewing the front element. I would suggest that you do this with the lensboard/lens off the camera and stationed on a padded surface. I don't convert my lens often but I recall that it seems to take forever to unscrew and then, all of a sudden, the front element comes off! The front element on the 300/500 is a big chunck of glass and I recall almost dropping it while attempting an on-camera conversion. Hope this helps..............................
-- Dave Willison (, April 12, 2001.