Thank you for this web : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Every morning, your site is one of the first I come to, for reliable and accurate news and updates on critical issues. THANK YOU for your hard work and effort. Don't post much, but sure read a lot. suzy
-- suzy (Its suzy, April 14, 2001
Thanks Suzy,Always nice to hear from the readers.
-- Martin Thompson (, April 14, 2001.
In cyberspace, it's too easy to lose sight of the fact that behind the digital electronic machine interface, stands much human effort and work; on the part of those who provide hardware, software, and work to bring the Internet's content to us.So many Y2K oriented websites closed down shortly after the Rollover, thereby missing out on the slowly unfolding but still rising waters of the Y2K Bug "Flood". The ridicule and laughter so evident in January 2000 made too many give up, even Gary North. That is such a pity, for the post-roll laughter has now turned to stony silence; and the Y2K moderates have proven to be wrong only in the unfolding speed of Y2K's cascading effects, not its peak intensity (which is YET to be felt.)
I would REALLY hate to see this Website shut down, for any reason other than generalized severe infrastructure disruption, making operation of any website on a continuing basis very difficult and expensive. And I hope the Y2K "Flood" waters don't get that bad, though they well might.
For a serious think tank discussion of Y2K scenarios, published in 1999 but still online, (which includes the "Flood" terminology used here), see:
Note the banners, which say "The End Of The World As We Know It?" and "The Day the Earth Stands Still?" These indicate that this grim possibility was taken seriously by a reputable Government sponsored think tank institution.
-- Robert Riggs (, April 14, 2001.
I agree with Suzy. This is my first site every morning. I cannot find Y2K updates presented on this web site at any other site. Thank all of you involved in bringing us this much needed data.
-- Ruth Angell (, April 14, 2001.
Great site. I like that fact that articles are from a source that can be readily recognized and checked. Very helpful sumary of the best articles. Thanks for ajob well done!!! Charlie
-- Charlie24 (, April 14, 2001.
I nominate the posters of this most informative site on the net regarding global issues the INFO TYCOON'S AWARD. You are the first place I go to each morning when I get up and each evening when I get home frome work. You guys and gals are THE best!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!
-- NdewTyme (, April 14, 2001.
Ditto what they all said. And I'd add that somehow this site has managed to maintain its integrity where so many others have bit the dust or morphed into something untenable. Thanks to all you hard working folks.
-- cat (, April 14, 2001.
What they all said... :-) Thanks!
-- Tee (, April 14, 2001.
Me too!
-- David Williams (, April 18, 2001.