1898 Plant Rail RoadSystemgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread |
I recently acquired some papers from the old South Carolina Railway System, but the one that I can not find any information on is a Pass that I have from the Plant System. It was a Pass from Salkehatchia to Charleston. I would appreciate any information.
-- suzanne w. fernau (gooseberry@cchat.com), April 14, 2001
The Plant System (1879-1902), or to give its full name, The Plant System of Railroads, was made up of the Savannah, Florida & Western RR and a number of subsidiary railroad companies, all controlled by financier Henry B. Plant. In July 1902 Plant sold his control to the Atlantic Coast Line RR, which gave the ACL its lines south of Charleston SC, including all of central Florida.
-- Tom Underwood (tlunder@attglobal.net), April 15, 2001.