Railroad Ave

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

My Grandfather first lived at 522 Railroad Ave, across the street from the slaughter houses. It is now Third Street and the buildings have been renumbered. I believe it's between Fairfax and Hudson. How can I find todays house number? Jeanine

-- Jeanine McNeill (jeaninemcneill@worldnet.att.net), April 14, 2001


3rd Street at Fairfax is the is the 3900 block of 3rdSt/Railroad. The 4000 block is Galvez and the 4100 block is Hudson.

Before Railraoad Ave was appended to 3rd Street it started at Arthur with Burke being 100, Custer being 200, Davidson being 300, Evans being 400 and Fairfax being 500.

It seems like 522 would be around 3922.

Good luck in your research.


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