Age of Rodenstock : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Hi allAny exact dates re. age of Rodenstock lenses? I know I had a list but I can`t find it! Thanks!
-- Armin Seeholzer (, April 15, 2001
No, but you can call Bob Salomon and he can age it for you by serial number, then tell you you need a to buy a newer one.
-- Wayne (, April 15, 2001.
HiI get a list from Paul Schilliger!
-- Armin Seeholzer (, April 17, 2001.
would Paul like to share it?
-- Wayne (, April 17, 2001.
Sure!Year of Production Serial No. up to 1910 50.000
1920 200.000
1930 400.000
1935 700.000
1938 900.000
1940 950.000
1945 2.000.000
1952 2.500.000
1954 3.000.000
1957 4.000.000
1961 5.000.000
1966 6.000.000
1971 7.000.000
1973 8.000.000
1974 9.000.000
1977 9.500.000
1979 10.000.000
1984 10.500.000
1991 11.000.000
1993 11.150.000
1994 11.231.713
1995 11.294.073
1996 11.358.165
1997 11.407.513
1998 11.468.541
-- Paul Schilliger (, April 18, 2001.
Does anyone know when Rodenstock started multicoating their lenses?
-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), April 18, 2001.
Thanks Paul! Now I wont have to (fill in the blank) next time I want to age a lens.Wayne
-- Wayne (, April 18, 2001.
Paul's list, and a similar one on Schneider's website, are a salutary reminder of the drop in popularity of LF. From a peak production of nearly a million items a year to under 60,000 is a big drop, and presumably those serial numbers apply to all lenses made, including the new 'digital' lens range.
I wonder how many new LF lenses are sold per year worldwide?
The fact that Nikon haven't updated their LF catalogue in 10 years must be some kind of indicator of a sector in its death throes.
-- Pete Andrews (, April 25, 2001.
Pete, interesting pointing this out. I wonder however how many of the lenses produced concerned the Graphic Art industry. This sector of production started decline when the industry got digital. Repro cameras have been replaced by scanners and film flashing devices got digital. The large format cameras extensively used as universal cameras in the first half of last century were also advantageously replaced by medium format for many uses.
-- Paul Schilliger (, April 25, 2001.