Japanese Pianos

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

I'm in the process of looking for a new piano and keep running into deaers who have used pianos imported from Japan. Although the ones I've played (Kawaii & Yamaha) seem comparable to "American" Japanese pianos, if there is such a thing, the Yamaha dealers in specific warn that these are not good purchases. Of course, you're not buying from them, which might be part of the problem. Is anyone familiar with this situation? Any thoughts? The only real objection the Yamaha dealer could give me was something about drier climates in the US maybe hurting the soundboard. Seems like maybe a Dampp-Chaser system could solve this, if it's even a valid objection. Anyway, I'd love to hear any experience with this.

-- Susan W (SWBrooks1@aol.com), April 16, 2001


Susan, maybe the following would answer your question...


-- KD (noname_poster@yahoo.com), April 17, 2001.


You might want to try posting this question at the Piano World forum at the following address. This forum is an excellent source on pianos. Questions such as yours are discussed regularly on this forum.


Regards, Mike

-- Mike Pappadakis (mpappada@thomastechsolutions.com), May 01, 2001.

This question is dealt with briefly in Larry Fine's book entitled "The Piano Book". Some piano sales people seem to hate this book with a passion. Personally, I find it has all kinds of useful information in it. Well worth the price. Anyone that is going to buy a new or used piano should order the book and read it.


-- Jerry Van Ee (jvanee@sandwell.com), May 03, 2001.

Susan, You are better off not buying an imported piano. At most schools and institutions, the Japanese only buy new pianos, usually every 10 years or so. Therfore, many used pianos may appear on the market directly from Japan. This may seem attractive to the eye and due to the possibly lower price. But these pianos have not been "seasoned" for the destination in which you live. During manufacture, Yamaha and Kawaii will take the region the piano will be shipped to and they use special woods, processes and methods to ensure the piano perfoms well in your climate. Therefore, a Japan seasoned piano will not do well in the more humid temperate climates of the rest of the world. Use caution and discernment if considering an imported instrument. Good luck!

-- Brayton Hackbarth (spiders_r_pets@hotmail.com), January 29, 2005.

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