My Fishing Worm Bucket System (Vermiculture - Worms) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

In order to keep fishing worms alive, as well as to grow my own, I use a two 5-gallon plastic bucket system. One bucket was about 2/3rds filled with chopped up, semi-dried cow manure off my lawn (yep, I employ four-legged-drive lawnmowers). Into it I added two containers of fishing worms (three dozen).

To feed them they get kitchen vege scraps and my used toilet paper. About once a week I shake one bucket covering the scraps (note it is shake, not dump). When about half has been shaken out, I add the toilet paper, and finish shaking. While doing this I note the moisture content, but seldom have to add additional water.

The bucket is kept in my kitchen just covered with a newspaper section. There is no apparent order and even if you stick your nose at the top there is only a slight earthy odor.

Benefits: Good, fresh worms when I want to drown a couple in the pond, it recycles the vege trimmings and the toilet paper doesn't go into my septic tank.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, April 16, 2001


I showed this to Lynn. She said she was going to tell her folks, then told me not to even think about a "worm garden" in the latrine :>)

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 17, 2001.

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