Large Format Reference Manual : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Any thoughts regarding the Large Format Optical Reference Manual by J.L. Wooden? I ordered a copy about a month ago and I'm still in the process of sorting through all the information. The book (which is actually ringbound) has roughly 200 pages of information on large format lenses organized by manufacturer. Although incomplete, it provides data on modern and classic lenses, including focal length, shutter type, maximum aperture, coverage, filter size, and angle of view.


-- Dave Willison (, April 17, 2001



I bought a copy also, great book for quick referencing lenses to format size, also I have a lens not listed in book, and sent info to author


-- Bill Jefferson (, April 17, 2001.

Does it cover Nikkor and Fuji lenses as well?

-- Dave Anton (, April 17, 2001.

It's a very helpful book. But unfortunately there are a lot of typo/errors on classic lenses, and some lenses are not listed in the book. We should update the author, and encourage him to publish the second edition.

-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), April 17, 2001.

Where can one get this book?

-- neil poulsen (, April 17, 2001.

You can get it directly from the author:

-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), April 18, 2001.

You can also order the book online from In answer to the above post, the book does contain information about large format Nikor and Fuji lenses.


-- Dave Willison (, April 18, 2001.

I bought one as a walk in at Lens and Repro. It is an amazing reference. I didn't even know about it until I saw it in the cabinet. I can't imagine collecting all of the information that is contained in it. But there are a couple confusing things. In many cases it will list image circles and coverage that don't seem to gel. Like a lens that is listed as having well over a 600mm image circle, yet it is listed as an 8x10 lens. In other cases the image circle is listed as more 480mm and it will be an 11x14 lens. Is this that the lens has huge coverage but doesn't work well with larger format anyway? Then why would the coverage matter? But I've been through it and through it with lots learned, and I even missed my train station while perusing.

-- Rob Tucher (, April 19, 2001.

"Like a lens that is listed as having well over a 600mm image circle, yet it is listed as an 8x10 lens"

This IC might be referring to 1:1. It's IC at infinity is about half, in this case, about 300 mm.

-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), April 19, 2001.

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