Procrastinate? : LUSENET : Inertia Forum : One Thread |
Who, me?Do you?
If so, why?
-- Paulineee (, April 17, 2001
I'll get back to this one later, okay? (Or, maybe not!)
-- Stephanie (, April 18, 2001.
Darn I meant to reply to this earlier....
-- Pauline (, April 25, 2001.
I just don't have the time to procrastinate, there is something else I must put off now.
-- Denver doug (, May 06, 2001.
Yes, procrastination often accompanies terminal naval-gazing, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. Quite the contrary, it is an art form, a gift. That is why it is called PRO-crastination, not AMATEUR- crastination.
-- Donna (, April 12, 2002.
I avoid procrastination, to the point where I'm not even going to answer this question until tomorrow, and even then, only if I feel like it... I mean, why do today, what you can put off indefinitly?
-- Cropduster Bob (, August 19, 2002.
lol Dont do it!
-- jack jonnie (, November 03, 2002.