Can someone check this recording for me? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hi, Donut whipped my only high score on Logic Pro (logicpro) but it doesn't seem to play back on my PC.

He's using the DOS version of MAME b14 which I haven't got, I use MAME32 b11. Should I be able to play it back when MAME32 b14 comes out?

Can somone please, please check for me? Even just to see if the first round is cleared properly as it doesn't on mine. And if you get time can you also tell me what country he choose for the last final round?



-- KingOfMyCastle (, April 18, 2001


I haven't watched the whole recording, only the first five or six stages. It plays back without problems on my dos mame 0.37b14. I didn't watch all the way to the final rounds, so I can't tell you what path he chose, but the great score doesn't seem to depend on the path. It's more of a change of playing style.

If you sit and wait until the timer turns red and then quickly clear a lot of squares until the timer is full again and those white "bubbles" appears you get bonus points. What Donut does is mainly sit and wait for the timer to turn red and then burst out in frantic clearing of twenty or so squares to fill the timer. Then he waits again and so on. Finally you just make sure the timer is full when you finish the stage to get the more bonus points.

This method scores lots of points and isn't as easy to pull off as it looks, but it is rather boring to watch. (And I guess it takes a lot of patience and free time to play it this way.)

Anyway, my sincere congratulations to Donut for a great score.


-- Abbe (, April 19, 2001.

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