Buy American? : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

Everytime there is an economic downturn and an increase in unemployment there is an outcry to "buy American". This isn’t as easy as you might think. I remember the last car that I bought. It was a 1998, All American, Ford Explorer [yep, got new tires free]. It had a sticker on the window stating the percent American-Made. It was a large number; as I remember over 80%. It had a second sticker that said that the motor was designed and manufactured in Germany and that the transmission was manufactured in France.

I know that there is a complicated formula for deriving % American made. I read a description of the process a few years ago. It was rather convoluted.

Do any of you remember how this is done? I really don't remember.



-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

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