Cal-ISO : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Anyone notice the date of the three service area average temperatures at
-- PHO (, April 20, 2001
-- spider (, April 20, 2001.
Check this out:
-- spider (, April 20, 2001.
o Your backups stopped working today (04/19/2001)
-- spider (, April 20, 2001.
Good find Spider. Keep prepin'
-- PHO (, April 20, 2001.
Notified Cal-ISO of glitch, received the following reply:"We have been changing to a new weather service and this may be a bug or part of the change-over. Unfortunately it may have to sit there until Monday, but I will let the engineers know. Thanks for the heads-up. Webmaster California ISO"
-- PHO (, April 20, 2001.
After checking out the "Super-Tar" hyperlink, it shows that a Y2K Bug "time bomb" hit not on 2000/01/01, or 2000/02/29, or even 2000/12/31, but not until 2001/04/17. Why did this software "run out of time" on this oddball date??More important: How many OTHER such delayed-action "time bombs" are lurking out there, yet to strike??? Hey folks, the "Y2K Bug Flood" is FAR from "cresting." Hold On!
-- Robert Riggs (, April 21, 2001.