nba jam question : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

on nba jam do you have to stop a recording after the first quater because the game ends no matter what the score and continues are not allowed on MARP. does this mean all the recordings stop aftere one quarter?

-- brad (, April 20, 2001


You're REALLY obsessed with this game, aren't cha?

-- BBH (, April 21, 2001.

no , I just want to see the ending.

-- brad (, April 21, 2001.

The 'ending'? That would mean defeating all 26 teams (it ~is~ 26, right?), so you'd have to play 26 full games at 4 credits a game, leaving you with an .inp with 104 credits on it. Assuming, of course, you don't lose a game. Not only is this intensely boring to play or watch (the best I ever did in the arcade was about 8 games in a row of Hangtime), but it obviously goes against the 1-credit rule at MARP. As for the ending, it's not very exciting. Don't hold your breath. :)


-- Brian McLean (, April 22, 2001.

you could also put in four credits and play a two/four player game and just beat the other team while they don't move. Of course if the ending isn't spectacular, maybe it's not worth it.

for what it's worth i've tried many different ways to playback sannas nbajam recording (+-sound/+-nvram/+-MMX), no dice yet, this game may not be playbackable. Have you got any recordings of your own to playback yet brad?

-- Chad (, April 23, 2001.

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