Moderate - Easy Yosemite Climbs? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I am going to Yosemite to do some climbing at the end of May. I would like to do some fairly easy routes [ 5.6 -5.8 ]. As my partner hasn't done any multi-pitch, I am also only looking to do 1-2 pitch climbs. If anyone has some suggested climbs/areas/guidebook it would be very appreciated! Mark.

-- Mark Dixon (, April 23, 2001


Hey man,

Check out five open book area. Munganala 5.6 three pitches. Good easy climb. Don't leave anything at the base. Take it with you so you don't have to go back to the base. Check out ranger rock. aka manere pile. Have fun. I hope she is good in the sac races.

-- madmtnman (, April 23, 2001.

There are several nice climbs in this range in the Churchbowl area, or you could do the 1st pitch of After 6 on the Manure Pile Buttress, although it can get fairly crowded... There just isn't a huge selection of climbs in this range in the Valley....

-- Jim Leininger (, April 26, 2001.

I just mentioned this to someone else on this forum, but you might want to check out Chris McNamara's website, SuperTopo. It lists 18 climbs in Yosemite that are in the 5.4-5.8 range, and about half of them are 3 pitches or less. For sure, Church Bowl, Manure Pile Buttress, and if you are feeling risky, Glacier Point Apron (be cautious due to rock slides) are areas that fit your description.If you click on the route names, you can get some good beta and photos of the climbs. Here's the link:

-- RJ Smith (, April 28, 2001.

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