Hay Anders - fancy a battle on Cassette Boulder Dash ?!greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
How about another one of our little battles like on Wonderboy - which I must get back into again by the way.I've recorded my first game since back in the good old days on the C=64.
I see your zero and raise you 66,950 - crap I know but at least it's a start. ;-þ
Over to you.... BeeJay.
PS: Anybody who wants to feel free to join in - as long as you don't hammer the score too high too quick.... ;-)
-- BeeJay (mamestar@i4free.co.nz), April 24, 2001
Hmmm Boulder Dash... itīs been a long time since I played that game... and I donīt fancy the long loading time in the beginning.. but hey!Iīm in! (just give me some days do settle some things in real life first ok?;)
The gauntlet has been thrown.. again!!
-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), April 24, 2001.
Damn... I couldn't resist it - first time I've played this version in about 15 years and I remembered most of my tactics too! It does seem somewhat easier than the c64 version, or are my glasses rose- tinted? ;)Crash.
-- Crash (crash@tcp.co.uk), April 24, 2001.
Oh great.... here was me thinking we had 80 levels (5 * 16) to learn again for this game and it only has 16 levels and then repeats with less time and more diamonds required. :(BeeJay.
-- BeeJay (mamester@i4free.co.nz), April 28, 2001.