OOOPS... strawbale continued... : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Leave it to me to hit the wrong button... sorry...


This is one of the sites I was thinking of... On the main page, go about 2/3 of the way down, and their first page under "A" is a link to help solve your problem. You will locate a page for insurance problems on that link. Also listed are a zillion other sites that can provide some help... Many universities are there, and other organizations. Even a government agency or two.......

Strawbale Code:

As this person is NOT a professional, it might not do much good... But, it is full of information - and still could be useful.

Green Building Program (Maryland Department of Natural Resources)

Because this is sponsered by the government, and endorsed by the (then?) governor, it may be of some use.

I think with these pages, and their links, you should be able to find some help with the problem, if, in fact, you still want to insure it!

-- Sue Diederich (, April 24, 2001


Sue, As said before thank you so much. So much more to research and you've provided some sites I did not have. These are much appreciated!

-- Marsha (, April 28, 2001.

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