Chicken Egg : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Okay stupid question time: We have one hen that lays and she lays tiny eggs yet she goes mad while laying them she makes the most horrid racket. What can i do? Should egg laying go on for TWO whole hours?!!! Thanks

-- Steve Hill (, April 25, 2001


Well, they do often sit in the nest for that long, but the actual laying(when they stand up and push) shouldn't take more than a minute or so. Most hens will make quite a rucous right after they lay an egg, we always considered it a matter of bragging;)

-- mary, texas (, April 25, 2001.

We have one cochin hen we named Gabby (which is saying something since we rarely actually name our hens) because she announces her ultimate creation of the day at the top of her lungs every morning so that you can hear her down the road! Of course, she lays the smallest eggs in the henhouse, so I'm not too sure what she's bragging about. She is fortunate in that my daughter has taken a particular fancy to her or she would have been in the stew pot for disturbing the peace last year!

-- Sheryl Adams (, April 25, 2001.

Steve, Thats normal. If she is a young hen her eggs will get larger in time. Sincerely, Ernest

-- (, April 25, 2001.

Fancier i have a couple good articles on my email about this and the construction of a chicken egg and what it takes to make a goo egg and more. Email me for this article. my web is http;// Glenda L. Heywood

-- Glenda L. Heywood (, April 26, 2001.

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