Lens Hood for M Summaron 35/3.5

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I am looking for the lens hood for my M Summaron 35/3.5. It looks like the right one should be 12571(IROOA) or ITDOO. But how about the hood 12505, it also says Summaron-Elmar on the small chrome band. I doubt it may be designed for screw mount lens. My question is can I physically fit hood 12505 into my M Summaron? I just need a lens hood for my Summaron, it not necessarily has to be the "correct" one, can anyone tell me what is the altenative I could use? Has anyone who owns this lens but did not use lens hood for shooting? I am very eager to know what the result looks like? My own experience to this lens is it seems prone to flare. How you guys feel about it?

-- Michael Lee (michael.lee@kla-tencor.com), April 26, 2001


A 1205 lens hood is for Elmar/Summaron 36mm mount, but your Summaron is 39mm mount.

-- Victor Randin (www.ved@enran.com.ua), April 26, 2001.

Sorry, a 12505 lens hood is for Elmar/Summaron 36mm mount, but your Summaron is 39mm mount.

-- Victor Randin (www.ved@enran.com.ua), April 26, 2001.

The Summaron 35/3.5 is a wonderful lens, very under rated, look at http://www.streetphoto.net/paw4.html A hood that is available new is the screw on Leica hood #12549. This hood is the stock hood for the 50/ 2.8, comes in chrome and works well.

-- Steve LeHuray (icommag@toad.net), April 26, 2001.

I have a metal lens hood, model number 12585, that lists several lenses on the side including both the f/2.8 and f/3.5 version of the 35mm Summarons, (as well as a trio of 50mm lenses). It is the same configuration as the plastic hood for the next to last 50mm Summicron, (round with 3 cutouts), and I have used them interchangeably. The number for the plastic hood is 12538, and was rendered "out of production" due to the incorporation of the built in hood of the newest Summicron.

Again, metal hood - 12585, plastic hood- 12538. You should be able to locate one of these on the used market.

-- Al Smith (smith58@msn.com), April 26, 2001.

I have two f3.5 Summarons, one with the "eyes" and the other without. The one without the "eyes" is used regularly with my M6 Classic and is an excellent performer. I use the current Leica plastic lense shade with the rectangular shape. The only problem I have with the shade is that is swivels all around the lense when in use.I purchased the shade new from Leica and paid about $24.00 if I am not mistaken. I also would like to locate a "vintage" shade to fit on my Summaron.I would also like to add that I think the Summaron is very much underrated!

-- John Alfred Tropiano (jat18@psu.edu), July 27, 2001.

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