Cob building workshop for women this fall (Alternate Housing) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I got a flyer for a cob building workshop for women this coming fall. The dates are September 26 - October 2 2001. It will be held in Arkansas and taught by Becky Bee author of "The Cob Builders Handbook" and founder of GROUNDWORKS.I am not affiliated with this group, but got the info and thought I'd pass it along. If anyone wants more info, let me know and I'll e-mail the contact numbers listed on the flyer.
-- Mona in OK (, April 27, 2001
Thanks for passing on the info.Too bad it is ONLY for womyn.Have to use a y instead of e otherwise there would be MEN in women.Couldn't have that.
-- notme (, April 28, 2001.
That sounds great! Too bad it is far away for me, and I doubt I could afford to get there (unless of course, I win the lottery or something!)Workshops for "women only" are a good thing, imho, especially if the subject is something that we traditionally associate with men's interests. By having a group of women without the presence of men, there is often more courage and support to try new things. I know I'm a little hesitant to do some of the construction work around here b/c it's my husband's area of expertise...he can do that stuff way better. And as wonderful as our relationship is, I still feel intimidated and sure that I will receive some criticism for doing something wrong or poorly. (My hangup, but still it does exist!) Anyway, women supporting each other in the learning process is one way to improve our skillsets without the sexual politics baggage that goes along with learning non-traditional skills.
And there are certainly other types of workshops that would be more appropriate with both men and women participating.
I think the cob construction technique sounds very interesting. If someone from the forum does go, maybe an article could follow for CS publication later? Just an idea!
-- sheepish (, April 28, 2001.
Anyone on this forum ever tried cob building? I think it's fascinating and hope to help the kids build a small house in few years with this method. I love the artistry involved and think it would be something even the youngest could participate in. I thought the kids could help design the house, work in some environmental/sustainable living features and make it sort of a play house. I haven't decided where to locate it yet but am leaning towards the garden area so it can become a very unique tool shed once the kids are grown.
-- Hoosiermom (, April 29, 2001.