M6 Titanium

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I read somewhere that the Leica M6 Titanium actually has a titanium coating over brass. Wouldn't that make it a less sturdy camera than the zinc top M6? What about the Minilux?

-- Sanford Gerald (sanford@usa.com), April 27, 2001


The Leica Titanium is a coating. It's intended advantage (other than status) is scratch restance. Drop it and you've got the same problems as any other Leica, only more expensive.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), April 27, 2001.

There are two types of titanium cameras

1) Genuine titanium body: such as Contax S2 and Contax T2, (and others ) which have about 1mm thick titanium shell. 2) Plated titanium body: Leica M6 titanium, Minilux titanium and Minox TLX titanium. Both the genuine titanium camera and the electroplated titanium camera are scratch resistance. The genuine titanium body are much stronger.

A titanium Contax T2 saved the life of a news photographer in Bosnia by stopping a bullet.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), April 27, 2001.

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