How much garlic should you give a dog to prevent fleas : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I would like to know how much garlic I should add to my dog's feed every day to prevent fleas and ticks

-- Susan F. Fisher (, April 28, 2001


My mom use to mince one small clove of garlic and hide it in about a 1 1/2" ball of raw hamburger for our Samoyed. Then hand-feed it to him. He would eat the hamburger, phatooie! the garlic into her hand, give her that I-know-what-you'er-doing! look, and eat the garlic!

-- Ruth (, April 28, 2001.

small dog, about a quarter tsp good quality garlic powder (should definitely smell like garlic!) ; large dog about a great........

-- Earthmama (, May 04, 2001.

I give the dogs food grade Diatomaceous Earth. Not only don't they get fleas, they're being dewormed! And their breath smells good! :^)

1 Tablespoon daily if over 35 pounds.

1 teaspoon daily to puppies, cats and dogs under 35 pounds.

-- ~Rogo (, May 05, 2001.

A light sprinkle every two or three day seems to be enough for my pit bulls; that is garlic powder not gaslic salt.

-- mitch hearn (, June 03, 2001.

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