Tarvelin. [Christian Talk included]greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
On the way to Florida last week we came across a caravan of vehicles with the "Stars and Bars" flag fly'n from each one. Down around Montgomery Al. and headed north. They were pulled off the side of the roadway and chatt'n with each other. We pulled off at that particular exit in search of that expensive gasoline and was nose to nose with some others that we didn't see from the interstate--dressed in CAMOS. I chose not to "hob-nob" with'm and we quickly got back on the interstate and continued on our journey. I was reminded of all the groups out there that are not in agreement with what I believe. I'm not against anybody-don't care what color they are at all. There will be a day of reckoning for each person and they will have to answer for what they have done and what they have believed. I've got my own shortcomings to acknowledge but hope He never finds anykind of hate or discord for my fellow human beings. Jesus died for all and that "all" includes ALL that receive Him as Lord and Savior.Had our lives spared yet again in Pensecola Florida. A carload of young folks made a right turn, on red, onto the highway we were travelin, without look'n. Good thing Lil Dumplins S10 had anti lock brakes! Still I almost hit'm. Took several minutes off my life as a result.
Metal detected on the beaches of Biloxie around the vollyball nets. Made a huge amount of cash!-----.07 cents!!!!!
Lil Dumplin ran across a haunted place in the Smokey Mountains.
Good to be home again for a spell. This old man needs some rest after that ordeal. Traffic is either gett'n worse or I'm gett'n more senile!
Christ will call our names shortly. Either through death or via the rapture. Are you ready to meet Him? Matt.24:44
-- hoot-Lil Dumplins tother half (hoot@pcinetwork.com), April 28, 2001
Hoot traffic is worse because people take driving for granted, and our lives are included in that care-less attitude.Drivers fall into three categories...
1) To careful: slow in the fast lane, won't use on ramps to merge etc.
2) Careless (don't need to elaborate too much here)
3) Us (I wonder what percentage we are.
Praise God for this beautiful day!
-- Rick K (rick_122@hotmail.com), April 29, 2001.
Hoot, I agree with you completely- the drivers are completely scary our there.We're glad to hear that you and your wife are safe. May the Lord bless you,
-- Kristin, in La. (positivekharma@aol.com), April 29, 2001.
Hey Hoot,Just because someone flies a different flag, or wears a different kind of clothes does not mean that they do not carry the same message that you do...
If you would have given them a chance they may have even known where the cheap gas was.
As I hear it, Jesus Christ himself was not just like everyone else, what with his long hair, scruffy beard and sandles; didn't have a job just wandered around from town to town...
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), April 29, 2001.