Are Aracauna eggs really lower in cholesterol? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I heard the other day that Araucana eggs are lower in cholesterol than other types of chicken eggs- has anyone else heard that or come across a study about it? I am planning to get a new batch of chickens and would like to sell eggs to friends, that would be a great added bonus to my eggs vs. store bought and it would be great for my table too, since family has history of heart problems. But I wonder if it is true if it is a significant enouph amount to make a difference?

-- Joy (, April 29, 2001


Joy, I too heard this, about 10 years ago when we were raising chickens in Miami FL (yes it can be done). However, try though we did we could not verify this and today I find it very unlikely. We do enjoy our Aracauna eggs though! If any one can present scientific evidence, I would also be very appreciative. Kim

-- kim (, April 29, 2001.

Heard the same comment from some egg customers years ago when we use to sell through a food co-op. They said it had something to do with a smaller yolk size. Personally I don't see the difference, in the yolk size, and have never seen any true research on the subject. Your home grown eggs have enough bonuses already over the store bought and your friends will benefit from them. Good luck with your chickens.

-- Nancy Bakke-McGonigle Mn. Sunset (, April 29, 2001.

Hi joy, Our customers request the colored eggs. They insist there family feels better with them. Who am I to doubt them. Iwas raised on Farm Eggs and to me they taste great. We have a small Poultry Farm in Upstate NY. We market our chicken and duck eggs.We get TWO DOLLARS a dozen.

-- Pris (, April 29, 2001.

Cholesterol in eggs DOES NOT cause cholesterol problems in humans. Earthmama and others have made postings to this affect (check the archives). Also, research at Arizona State University Medical School confirms this fact. Eggs are good for you, eat all you want.

-- Lynn Goltz (, April 29, 2001.

Hey everyone thanks for the quick and informative responses- I think I'll definitely get some Araucanas(never had that breed before) and it's great to hear that eggs don't cause cholesterol problems- I think I'll whip up a batch of deviled eggs for the week! Joy

-- Joy (, April 29, 2001.

The cholesterol myth persists. Sorry, that's all it is!

You won't find any Araucanas unless you purchase from one of the few breeders in this country. What you WILL find are Ameraucanas and Easter Egg chickens. These are what the hatcheries sell, altho they call them Araucanas.

This explains the difference:

-- ~Rogo (, April 29, 2001.

No comment on the eggs, I don't know anything about Araucanas. Just wanted to say HI to another Joy on the forum! Where are you located, Joy?

-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, April 30, 2001.

Be sure to point out to your customers that the green-shelled eggs are fresh and are supposed to be that color. I had a lady once, who every time I delivered her eggs, would quietly take the green egg I put in every dozen, and throw it away. She thought it was rotten, and was too good a friend to point this out to me.

Town folk can be ignorant that way!

-- Lynn Bixler (, May 01, 2001.

Hi Joy, I'm glad you asked that question. I've been wondering if there is anything to that or not myself. For the last few months I've been selling white eggs laid from brown leghorns, and I have had a few customers tell me they preferred brown eggs for lower cholestral. So this year I'm raising chicks that are suppose to lay brown eggs. Just to satisfy the customers.

-- Russell Hays (, May 02, 2001.

Joy, my mother bought some Araucanas and I take care of them. If you do get Araucanas try not to get roosters. I learned the hard way how they are. The hens are really sweet and love to be pet, the roosters I have had to lock up to get with the hens because they are really mean. I'm not saying to not get them the hens are really nice, and the eggs are really good, but watch out with the roosters. I don't really know about the cholesterol, but they taste better then store bought eggs. Good Luck!

-- Sarah in OK (, May 04, 2001.

Sarah, I've had the same problem with any Araucana roosters I've had, past and present! Must be a breed "thing"!! I really have to watch them around my 4 yr. old granddaughter.

-- Marcia (, May 04, 2001.

I have talked with several people at u c davis (the chichen specialist) and they told me no matter what kind of chicken egg it is ounce for ounce (or however you want to weigh it ) is all the same whether aracauna , rhode island reds , white leghorns ect. ounce for ounce cholestrol is all the same.

-- Don Heal (, June 02, 2001.

Joy: Don is right. The cholesterol in Araucana(or Americana) eggs is the same as in other breeds. I raise Ameracanas and the eggs are great! I also have RIRs, WRs, BRs, Wyandottes. One Ary rooster-and he is big and protective of his "wives"! I sometimes have to carry a big stick with me when I collect eggs, but after 4 years, I think he is mellowing. Come to think of it they all are!

-- Dr. James M. Lampley (, June 02, 2001.

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