What are yooouuu doing?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Not-So : One Thread

So I've been a terribl correspondent. What have ya'll been up to?

-- Sarah (sgates@cnu.edu), April 29, 2001


Staring at my computer screen waiting for you to update.

-- The Archangel Mikey G. (mgamache@cnu.edu), April 29, 2001.

"Hello Out There," looking for a job, place to live, getting the monolith, finishing up at the Clog, being magnificent... Go figure.

-- Casheeish the Exhausted (bsa_cash@hotmail.com), April 29, 2001.

Trying to get 15shillings ready to go... That's about it.

-- Jeremy (jdwatson@widomaker.com), April 30, 2001.

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