FS: M6 TTL 0.72

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm selling my M6 TTL .72. I recently asked about the .58-version of the M6 and did indeed purchase that camera (I'm delighted with it; thanks for all the advice here).

I can't justify keeping my chrome M6 TTL .72 and I would rather sell it here than on ebay.com.

I purchased it last fall and have all the original packaging and manuals. I also just discovered (somewhat to my horror) that I have the Passport warranty form that I never returned.

There is a small dent on the bottom plate. Click here for a photo.

Price is $1400.


-- Fergus Hammond (fhammond@adobe.com), April 29, 2001


Do you still have the M6 for sale? I see it was posted in April 2001. Perhaps the records need to be updated more frequently.

-- Hilary Wunsch (hilary.wunsch@defence.gov.au), August 29, 2001.

No, I decided to keep it. I'm glad to did: the .72 is perfect with a 50mm lens and I keep TMax 3200 loaded in it.

-- Fergus Hammond (fhammond@adobe.com), August 29, 2001.

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