thanx for congrats, : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
... I didn't know where the doll on 7-4 and the bonus on 7-3 were, I thought the game ended on 7-4; anyway I'm taking back the 1st place on a game I've played at least 1000 hours in my life (I'm not joking). Also I feel I have to thank QRS and DrFrag for letting me know where the bonuses were, I appreciate it.P.S.: in the zip file I just sent are the screenshot of the "esc" bonuses and the dolls in the last 3 levels.
Auf wiedersehen.
-- ddr (benedetti franco) (, May 01, 2001
Well I was hoping it would be either QRS or myself to be the first to upload a true ending to this game but I'm glad that someone has finally done so.I guess both Anders and myself burnt out on the game with our big thrust on this late last year. I personally was getting sick of the rock-rock-rock-fire combinations on 8-4 killing my game each time.
Spurned on by someone completing the game, when the Deca2001 has finished I may just have to get back into Wonderboy again to see if I can get into the hallowed halls of completion on this game as well.
Again congratulations and I look forward to watching how you dealt with the dreaded rock-rock-rock-fire combinations in the forest section of 8-4. :)
Cheers, BeeJay.
PS: I would gladly have shared the locations for all the 8-n stages for the ESC and Doll bonuses as well. :)
-- BeeJay (, May 01, 2001.