Ducks Not Imprinting & Diarrhea : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My two Fawn Runners are about 2 1/2 weeks old, and they have not imprinted on any members of my family? What is the matter? Are they yet to imprint?

Also, one of my ducks has diarrhea. Does anyone know what could be wrong with him? Is there a way I can stop it?

Thank you sooo much!

-- Katie (, May 01, 2001


Katie: I have discovered that most of our ducks do not imprint very strongly on people. Especially when they have another duckling or other bird for a companion. We have had some goslings imprint but again, not very strongly but moreso than the ducks.

As far as the diarrhea. Ducks tend to have runny manure due to all the water they consume but diarrhea could be serious. Can you give more information. What are you feeding the ducklings, what is their housing set up?

-- Trisha-MN (, May 02, 2001.

My ducks started out eating Gamebird starter, but we just went to get more food for them a couple days ago, and it didn't say anything on the bag, so maybe there's something wrong with the food. Also, about their housing, they're in a dog cage that is about 3 feet tall, 5 feet in length, and 2 feet wide (guestimates).

-- Katie (, May 02, 2001.

What percent protein is the gamebird starter? Is it medicated? Ducks should not be fed medicated feed. Also, if the protein is too high in the feed they can develop problems from that also. Good luck. I hope it is better soon.

-- Trisha-MN (, May 02, 2001.

I was under the impression that for waterfowl to imprint on you that you had to be the first thing they saw upon hatching. Heard a story about a gosling imprinted on a tennis shoe that it saw...

-- julie f. (, May 03, 2001.

Katie, are your ducks better yet?, Even the ones that I've had alone preferd other ducks as company, and imprinting is right after hatching. As long as they feel plump in the breast and compairable to the others they should be ok. If you want them to be more friendly with you try hand feeding them, my new ones are more than a month old and will just barely eat from a cup while I hold it and only when very hungery.

-- Thumper (, May 04, 2001.

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