Spring clean'n and stuff. [Christian Material included]greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Don't know if any of ya'll are interested but-----! Spring clean'n at the "house of hoot" or should I say "the Farm of hoot"? Ole jeep mosey'd over yesterday afternoon and brought his chain saw. Had a couple trees to blow down in the side yard [fencerow] and they kinda cluttered the yard. The old Troy Bilt mower really rumbled when I drove over'm a mow'n. I don't believe in gett'n off that dude and pick'n up anything, ya'll know. Well anyhow in short order we had it cut an stacked up in a big pile. Still more stuff to throw on it [wood products only, no trash, plastic etc] before it's "torched". Mite even coat some taters with clay and roast'm when we burn't. Rekon we'ns could also cook some old dead hog meat or cow meat in there too. Lil Dumplin is gone again and the old fat man has to eat. Calvin the cat is my buddy and he/she/it has to eat too. Ole Calvin ain't very good for visit'n but sure don't talk back much--well in human talk, that is.Still clean'n up junk ans still wait'n for the junk man to come have a "look see" at my most prized possessions! How about a collectors pickup truck----75 GMC--Gentleman Jim"? Worth a bunch after it's restored but methinks it won't get done here!
Birds are sing'n here, flowers bloom'n and all the trees are already leaved out. The A/C works--already tried it over the weekend.
Life is good! What else could a body want? The handiwork of Almighty God is everywhere! Still walkin and talkin to my Lord Jesus as I go about my daily tasks. I can't imagine not havin Him with me all the time!
Ya'll be good to each other. Enough strife in the life as it is without causing undo hardship for anybody else. Jesus is coming soon and I'll get to meet Him face to face. What a Glorious day that will be! Matt.24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), May 02, 2001
What I remember most about livin' before I knew Jesus, what that life wasn't much worth livin'!!! My life has continued to grow better in every way since I've accepted Jesus as Lord of my life!!!
-- Thumper (slrldr@aol.com), May 02, 2001.
Amen Thumper!! You just put it perfectly. Hoot I guess I'm cheating.....I need to clear out the jungle that is in my old garden spot...I put some goats in it. I think I told you before that I got a chainsaw for my birthday one year(I got to pick my present that year) and I wouldn't be without it....but my old body is starting to complain when I do things like that now. I'd much rather sweet talk hubby into doing it for me :o). You did hit upon one thing that makes everything so much easier....talkin to the good Lord all day. If I'm talking to Jesus my day just is so much easier and goes so much smoother. He really knows how to smooth out the rough spots....in my day and in me too!
-- Amanda in Mo (aseley@townsqr.com), May 03, 2001.
I used to have an imaginary friend too.
-- Fred (me@here.net), May 03, 2001.
REMEMBER THAT THIS FORUM is provided and maintained by the publishers of Countryside & Small Stock Journal to further the exchange of information and ideas related to self-reliant country living (homesteading). Note that your question or comment may disappear from this forum for any reason or no reason at all, at the sole discretion of the forum moderator. If your post contains material of a political, religious, profane, mean spirited or just-plain-silly nature, the chances of it being removed from this forum are good.
-- dorthy (homesteader@homestead.net), May 03, 2001.
REMEMBER that this is a free nation under GOD! Read some of our most treasured national documents and you will find that God is very important to this country. I'm an American and I choose to use my freedoms. If countryside decides to delete my posts then so be it. I guess someone will be mighty busy. Jesus tells us to love our enemies and we are to pray for those that are against us. God bless you all and especially God bless brother Hoot.
-- Amanda (aseley@townsqr.com), May 03, 2001.
WARNING----CONTAINS CHRISTIAN MATERIAL!Well, I thought it was time to inform ya'll about our progress of clean'n up junk, cutt'n weeds and chas'n away snakes. A little preach'n is also enclosed at no extra charge!
The junk man finally came yesterday afternoon and took my prized Gentleman Jim away on the back of an old flat bed wrecker/winch truck and trailor. He also got a couple more items and I got to mow where the weeds had grown up! Big deal, ya'll say? Yes! It is! I got tired of mow'n around junk for all these years. Told ole Jeep that when Almighty God sends Jesus for me-I didn't want Lil Dumpllin to have to worry about all this stuff. She is my precious life's partner and I don't want to cause her any undo hardship. Now I'm not fix'n to leave'r real soon but then again He hasn't called just yet either. When He does then it's "gone in the twinkling of an eye" time! Glory!
Still have a 4 ton central a/c to give to somebody that needs one. I won't put it in but for the price------FREE!
I suppose also that some will be offended by my reference to Jesus Christ and Almighty God. For those that are--don't read my stuff. Ya'll know before read'n it that some reference to Him will be included! I also "tag" my posts too. If ya'll continue to fret and complain apparently you just want to fret and complain. I love writ'n even tho it's not earth shattering news --some are still amused by some of my "yarns". If I can help aleviate just some of the sadness in a life then I've done what I intended.
Life is also serious at times. What one decides here will determine where they will spend eternity. I'm VERY concerned about others that are headed the wrong way and will continue, as long as He lets me, tell everybody that will listen.
Tomorrow--more mow'n of weeds, pick'n up sticks, burn'n'm and sett'n in the shade of my Maple trees watch'n the fire burn. Course gotta have a quart mater juice can fulla iced T! Stop by and have some T with me. Mite also even pick a tune or two on "ODY" m'banjer!
More later as we continue with the ongoing saga of gett'n the homestead cleaned up. Will also post pictures shortly- on the picture page of the new stuff we're work'n on. The REVISED and UPDATED fuel system for FUEL INJECTED vehicles! The Free Electricity thingy and a ground water loop- air cooling system using an "A"Coil. Stay tuned--it's all FREE! ole hoot. Matt.24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), May 03, 2001.
Yeeeehhhhhhaaaawwww! Me and my fiddle will be right over. I didn't know you played banjo! If my daughter ever gets any good at the piano we've got a jam session in the works :o)).
-- Amanda in Mo (aseley@townsqr.com), May 03, 2001.
I enjoy ALL your yarns, Hoot! Spring cleaning included. I suspect that's what a lot of us are doing this time of year, we certainly are. Well, in spurts anyway, as we get a little spare time here and there. Really need to get some fence repair done before the horses step over and leave.I truly admire your desire not to leave your wife a mess if you should depart early for that heavenly mansion. I wonder how many others are willing to do the same for their spouses? Not just the physical junk either, but also clean up the financial, emotional and other messes we create? My dh and I, as we are approaching retirement, are working at cleaning up all our our "junk" so that if one of us catches an early flight outa here, the other will be protected as much as possible. The Bible tells the husband to love his wife as he loves himself, and I have no doubt my husband loves me even MORE than he loves himself. That's a hard act to follow, but I hope I show him the same love. I didn't know you played banjo either! One of my favorite instruments. I used to do some fiddle playing years back, before all my accidents. Can't hardly pick one up now, but that'll all be taken care of one day also. Guess there'll be some great music when we all get together!
-- Lenette (kigervixen@webtv.net), May 04, 2001.
God Bless You, Hoot. say what you want, if they don't want to read it, they are forewarned, and they don't have to. I believe too, but as my bro in law used to say " some people would complain if you hung 'em with a new rope."
-- kathy boice (blueeggs@united.net), May 15, 2001.