Cleaning tartar from pets teeth? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I know I just read a posting a couple of days ago about using something to clean tartar off of pets' teeth so that they don't have to be anesthesized but I can't find it anymore. I looked under pet care but couldn't find it. It must have been an incidental comment on another thread. Could someone please tell me where I can find the thread. I want to try their recommendaton but I can't remember what it was. It might have been peroxide but I'm not sure. Thanks.

-- Colleen (, May 03, 2001


DEFINITELY do not use peroxide or you will have your pet throwing up on you almost instantly. Our dog got ahold of a box of chocolates and our vet instructed us to give him a capful of peroxide to make him throw up.

As far as tarter control, we give our dog a rawhide chew several times a week - - per our vets instruction.

-- Lynette in MI (, May 04, 2001.

Was that the one about coloidal silver (not sure of the spelling)?

-- Cordy (, May 04, 2001.

Colleen: Tarter is hard stuff. I used to have someone sit on my dog and another hold his mouth open then using a sharpened small metal tool I would scrape her teeth. Go a little below the gum line if you can. It really worked. Dog had no teeth problems till she died. Okay Okay I'm sure people will think this is discusting and mean but its better than having her put to sleep and having an expensive overnite vet visit!!!!!....kirk

-- Kirk Davis (, May 04, 2001.

Sorry, the colodial silver is used as an antibotic.

-- Cordy (, May 04, 2001.

The posting was probably mine about colloidal silver. If you can find it (I'm looking,too), it explains why I was asking. I am going to try to talk directly to one of the persons who used it on her pet's teeth. I will post when I get info. Isn't this a great resource for info!

-- T. Burnash (, May 04, 2001.

The original posting is under "health" and I believe the title is Colloidal Silver- What is it?

-- TAB (, May 04, 2001.

I use a dental pick, it takes a little patience, but works fine. I guess it also depends if your pet will put up with it. You might need some help from a friend or a mild sedative.

-- LJ Errante (, May 07, 2001.

As an aside, I brush the teeth of one dog and 3 cats on a regular basis. I make up a thick paste of baking soda with a little water. I wrap a piece of gauze around my finger and dip it into the soda and quickly go over all of the pets teeth with it. It helps to keep down the tar build up and sure does make their breath nicer.

-- Carole (, May 08, 2001.

I made a chew rope or three using twine off of hay bales. Knot about eight strands together, and use a crochet chain stitch until you run out. They wind up being about eighteen inches long when done. Our dog will use them for fetch toys, tug of war battles, or just lie around chewing on them. Her teeth are spotless, and this is the only thing I've used since we've had her. (about ten months)

-- Connie (, May 09, 2001.

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