Why two slots on rear standard of B&J cameras?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Hi Everyone -Someone asked me the other day, why does the B&J 8x10 have two vertical slots in the rear standard (for rise)? If you use the forward slots, it's hard to put the film holder under the ground glass. Not enough room.
There must be some simple answer that I can't figure. Any help out there?
Thanks! - Kevin
-- Kevin Bourque (skygzr@aol.com), May 05, 2001
Not really sure, but with both knobs in place you have a bette chance of using back rise/fall without inadvertant tilts and once both knobs are locked down maybe the back standard is more or less ridged. Thats my guess. I have noticed some forward/backward creep on the back standard despite tighting up and adjusting the locks, I'm afraid the lock design itself is not that great, maybe someone has found a better solution?
-- bill zelinski (willy226@yahoo.com), May 08, 2001.