why does winding on the M6TTL0.58 feel so different to winding on M60.72greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Winding on film with the TTL0.58 feels and sounds so different to winding on the film with the 0.72! Why, aren't they basically the same camera. The 0.72 is older but works nice and tight, while the new TTL0.52 feels loose and flimsy compared to the older M.
-- lux (lux@nyc.com), May 06, 2001
I noticed the difference, too, but I prefer the new feel. I like an effortless wind. It doesn't feel flimsy to me. I haven't heard anything about what change might have been made, however.
-- Ken Shipman (kennyshipman@aol.com), May 06, 2001.
My .58 and .72 have the exact same feel(?) Both are very smooth, and got better after about 25 rolls, but are still not as smooth as an M3.
-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), May 11, 2001.
My 0.85 and 0.58 feel the same.
-- Don M (Maldos@home.com), May 15, 2001.