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Am interested in obtaining software of client records and some accounting. Are there any massage industry specific versions available? Also if not how do the generic record keeping / accounts models perform for our industry.

-- John Cavanagh (, May 08, 2001


Evening John

A few years ago we looked at one designed in Melbourne but it was'nt much good. I have not heard anything for the last few years nor have I seen anything advertised in the American journals.


-- Diana Glazer (, May 09, 2001.

Hi John! I've been toying with the idea of writing such a program. I am only new to programming and I have a lot to learn. I have an accountant who lives across the road, who can talk in plain English about the accounting side of things for the program. But as you stated, are there generic record keeping procedures? ( I assumme that they would have to be good enough for the insurance companies for compo cases) The program would have to be simple to use.(you want to make your record keeping more efficient, not slow it down) And to make it simple, you need to use someone's record keeping system that has evolved over the years (usually the system simplifies). As I am only a new massage therapist, I don't have an easy record keeping system. I haven't worked out what records I really need to keep or record details to throw out and records that I don't have that I really should have! Do you know someone who has worked all this out and I willing to share it with all other therapists?

-- Steven Vadla (, May 10, 2001.

I have designed a comprehensive clinical data base for my clinic using Microsoft Access as a platform and am considering offering it for use by AMT members. Users would require Microsoft Access - part of the Microsoft Office suite. It's a pricey investment, but worth it.

The data base offers the Massage Therapist the ability to record the following details:

1. Client demographics and medical details. 2. Health professional details 3. Insurer details 4. Records of occasions of service. Several reports available. 5. Invoice and receipt generation 6. Generation of Mailing lists for promotion.

In order to make it available, the database would require some modification to run as a executable stand-alone version and I need to check with Microsoft whether or not I need license the product for distribution. I suspect that if I release it as freeware that I could avoid some of the administrative procedures.

If clinicans are interested in recieving the program, please get back to me. If I have enough interest, I'll try and distribute a trial version over the next few months.


-- Sonny McNamara (, July 15, 2001.

I down loaded a trial program from some one connected with microsoft the other day, I didn't think much of it. about $200 US. I have wiped it, but will try to get the address and post it here. john C

-- john cassidy (, November 04, 2002.

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