Processing trays for 20x24 : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I just bought some new 20x24 trays, but they don't leave a lot of room around the print. Does anyone know of an oversized 20x24 tray that would still fit in a sink that measures 26"? (The new Cesco trays I have measure 23 3/4" in their short dimension).

-- Allen Birnbach (, May 10, 2001


try ebay. I have not looked in some time, but someone has been selling oversized trays, starting at 3-6 dollars a piece. I found some old enamel ones last year that are a great size, 24 X 28, however, very heavy as you can image. If I had known about these that have been offered on E-bay i would have pasted on the enamel ones. This is a fairly new product so maybe you will be lucky and find some at a great price.

-- Ann Clancy (, May 10, 2001.

go to your local menards,lowes,home depot. there you can find very large trays that are designed to be put under washing machines. they are cheap, and made from pretty duty plastic.


-- doug (, May 12, 2001.

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