Latest news story the LIBERAL Media has chosen to bury : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread


Seems by some wierd coincidental timing, the FBI found a few THOUSAND documents they just forgot to turn-over to the Tim McVeigh defense effort. This "random" development, along with Rob Blake "maybe" capping his own wife, and the average brain-dead American will never hear a damn thing bout no Gore victory.

Call me cynical, but is there a more important story than Al Gore did in fact win the Presidential Election? This news is being buried "professionally". Wonder anything was reported. What was released had the usual misleading spin seen since the Election itself. Thus even those who do happen upon the story will file it away under "depends" and "it is over anyhow" file.

Al Gore won? Who cares! Far more interesting to learn a confessed mass murdering little twit may have been denied his "rights". Far more interesting to see if Baretta is another OJ.

BTW, nice job GW Bush!! Dismantling America faster than a fat lady at a bake sale you are! Great job!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001


Bush Backs Postponing McVeigh Execution

That be CONFESSED Oklahoma mass murder Tim McVeigh. Found guilty BEYOND a REASONABLE DOUBT by a jury of his peers.

Bush cares about the Constitution? Man you people are braindead if you are buying this jokers act.

Time to wake-up idiots and see you been dicked yet again by the Facists who sit with the flag around their butts and a beebal on their laps.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Where oh where could that little Gore story be?

Not in top stories, hell not even in the freaking Politics section! or the archives, GONE period.

Geesh wake-up people.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Oh here it is!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

ri ght there...a vote for Gore!

and once again blaming it all the Dumb Voters!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

Much ado about nothing.

10,000 studies through history will say Gore won. An equal number will say Bush won.

Point is, Bush took the oath, and is in office.


(of course there's always caves on remote islands, and/or states of dementia -- )

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2001

Ideal Gift for all Texans and other doorstops

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2001

"How Al Gore tried to STEAL the Election with 500,000+ Popular votes" the SMASH follow-up to the original pile of baloney from Bill SCAMmon. Get your doorstop today dumbfucks.

Just how dense are you Bush supporters?

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2001

500,000+ votes - but how many - Repuglican votes + legitimate? Not, many = heaven's gate. No more free{dom as we live )) in Texas + Police + State.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

eyeroller, have you ever even heard of a little thing called the electoral college?

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

eyeroller, have you ever even heard of a little thing called the electoral college?

Great logic! Gesh no wonder they can sell books of BS.

Here dipstick, go read this one and get back to me.

Deposition by Michael Leach (Republican Party employee who added absentee voter ID numbers to the ballot requests in Seminole County)

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

Keep crying until 2004. Then in 2005, you will have something to really cry about for another 4 years when GWB wins again.

Meanwhile, why not send money to the albore favorite charity, the albore attempted resurrection foundation.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

Low iq with a low regard

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001

Less than a week before before the election, before they pulled the DUI out of their ass, the Ds were preparing to defend the strong possibility that Gore would win the Electoral vote but lose the popular vote. Play it as it lays.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

Why do you give a crap what the Dems were doing? Is not a buried DUI in the past of a Presidential Candidate relevant?

The Dems didn't drive drunk and then bury the truth, George W Bush and Pops did. Restoring Integrity to the WH? Is this the way to show your honesty?

Look in the mirror. Do not worry what others maybe doing, how is YOUR shop?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

The point is that if the election had turned as the last-minute polls were predicting, the Dem spin would be totally reversed from what it is now. Probably the Republican spin would be too. The GOP would be whining about how they won the popular vote and the Dems would be rationalizing the Electoral College.

You don't see the humor there?

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001


Then again I do not believe them Polls anything but what they were, BALONEY.

Come-on, Bill and Al were no Angels, but was their 8 year record a recipe for defeat by the likes of an spoiled illiterate turd from a guy ran out of office 8 years prior? Did America just get tired of prosperity?

Fed has cut rates how many times this year? It has done what? Something ain't right.

Country is in serious trouble here. We have lost the Press. Now screwballs like Rush Limbaugh and Joe Farah bring the bacon to the starving sheeple. Does not matter if it is inaccurate or without a shred of balance, as long as it "sounds good". These are the freaks who helped get a Dubya installed.

Dubya is getting a Free Ride here from the supposed, and so labeled for a reason, "Liberal Media". Most Democrats are silent. This is telling.

It is also telling millions of Californians(Americans), are currently being extorted and Dubya and Chainey laugh at it.

Fox is in the henhouse and farmer Brown has left the homestead. Go ahead and laugh, but it ain't funny no mo.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001


"The Dems didn't drive drunk and then bury the truth, George W Bush and Pops did. Restoring Integrity to the WH? Is this the way to show your honesty? Look in the mirror. Do not worry what others maybe doing, how is YOUR shop? -- look in the mirror (pinhe@d.detector), May 14, 2001. -------------------------------------------------

WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP. I suggest you send an Email to Teddy Kennedy and ask him to explain about MARY JO K.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2001

Ted was a fine President.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2001

Hey CPR, or should I call you Genghis Khan and Doomsies-be-us (or whatever you're calling yourself this afternoon?)

First of all, I post using my real name and a working e-mail address. Why do you believe that you don't have to extend this courtesy to others?

Let's talk about GW Bush and Cheney's DWI's. If you don't think that they are relevant, then why don't we discuss the widely published photograph I saw about two months ago of the Secret Service carrying a case of Lone Star beer off of Air Force One after one of George W. Bush's incessant trips? Why the hell should the rest of us remain silent about your pet candidate's peccadilloes (including NEVER receiving treatment for his obvious alcoholism,) when your party spent the past eight years looking for an investigation every time Bill Clinton took a dump? I'm embarrassed to have someone in the White House that has been arrested three times. Of course, this means nothing to you, because it has nothing to do with Bill Clinton's penis.

What is Dick Cheney's true medical condition?

Why has George W. Bush never been interviewed for more than fifteen minutes at a time? CNN had to agree to a mid-time break during their interview last month. After all, Bush might not stick to the script, hm?

Do you deny that Rove and his spinmeisters were attempting to stir the shit two weeks before the election, by dispatching scores of volunteers to flood talk radio and conservative television commentators with talking points re: eliminating the Electoral College if Gore lost the popular vote and won the Electoral College? Also, perhaps we might want to discuss the brownshirts Rove brought into Florida to shut down the vote count, physically intimidate those counting, and the "spin" that there were no standards and that volunteers were "eating chads". Why don't we talk about the Republican election official in Florida who insisted that she put voting cards through counting machines "more than once" to "shake the chad off," but the Democrats are crucified for "spin" on the subject of pregnant chads, tri-corner chads, hand recounts, and anything else that doesn't support George W. Bush's THEFT of the White House.

While you're at it, Charlie, why don't we discuss what's going on in Texas right now? The entire country is aware of the cash flow problem in Texas, due to George W. Bush's inability to balance a checkbook and his mandate to reward those who put him in office -- Big Oil and the very wealthy. I guess teachers don't need a cost of living raise or medical insurance, even though your teachers rank FIFTIETH out of the 50 states in teacher pay.

You can continue to tout your boy George. The rest of the country knows that the emperor has no clothes. Don't count on a reelection in 2004. You'll be fortunate to elect any Republican up for reelection in 2002.

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2001

You go, Julie :-)

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2001

All fine and dandy Julie, but where are the Dems now?

While the Dems are without question better for more Americans than this fatcat party, fact remains the Dems are miles from perfect. Where oh where have they all disappeared to?

Take this California situation. Is Gray Davis just some innocent there? Where are the bimbo twins BBoxer and DFeinstein on this? They, like Davis, are basically doing ZERO. Davis is doing alot of flapping and walling but sinks deeper in the quicksand each day.

FERC is flat-out missing. This IS the ONLY issue. Rest is details and bs designed to play to morons. Why do these 3 Cali Dems lose themselves in the details? Why isn't Davis on the TV every freaking night asking when the Feds will do their job? Where are Boxer and Feinstein? Where are the Dems all over the freaking country on this? Gone. Issue is criminal interstate energy market manipulation, a Federal Jurisdiction. All the noise bout shortage, transmission lines, snaildarters, greenies is NOISE. But do the Dems do anything but play along with the Enron gameplan?

I would submit Al Gore NEVER actually mounted any real fight in Florida. He accepted his Loser position and tried to do what he could to show his faithful he tried. Seriously, where was BillC in the Campaign? Who really believes he was baggage? I don't and point to the phonyass distancing plan as the main reason Gore is gone. Look, they lost to a dingbat. A sitting administration which should never have lost even to a legitimate Republican(oxymoron?), lost to a third string Bush.

The absentee voter fraud in Seminole county alone involved 15,000 votes which never should have been included in the totals, never. Why didn't the Dems step-in and take the case to a higher court after the lower court judge found fraud, but allowed the votes to stand despite this? Very bad legal advice, or more likely they never really were serious my take.

I, like yourself, hope these Capitalist Whores are ridden out on a rail, but doubt it. Not until the Dems grow some kudos will a damn thing change. How many stupidass issues does Dubya have to throw out before some type of legitimate response is mounted? Can Bartcop do it all?

Think it time to start asking why the Dems are so quiet. I do not think we will like the answer though.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2001

Not until the Dems grow some kudos will a damn thing change.

How does one "grow" a kudos (singular)? Maybe you meant cajones?

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001

If it pleases you son, the master has no problem with you using cajonnes.

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2001

Note the latest canard the Libs are pushing---ie, the media have a conservative bias. LOL, I guess that is true if you are far enough Left.

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2001

Lars, the fact that you (a) consider this a "canard"; and, (b) think it's "of late" says more about you than I think you wanted to say.

By all means, do point out all the "liberal media outlets" who SCREAMED the headline of the results of the GAO report (requested by Rep. Bob Barr) as to the trashing of the White House..... Surely you've heard this, haven't you? I mean, hasn't it just been ALL OVER the "liberal media"?

No? What do you mean it hasn't? BBBBBBBbbbbbbbbut................

I've been waiting for DAYS to see all the apologies and the retractions.........

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2001

How odd......still waiting for all those retractions and apologies.

Gee, could the White House and the "liberal media" have missed this story?

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

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