A note from the heartland

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

Howdy Folks:

Well, it has been really raining today. We’ve had 3 hr of continuous rain. The local TV forecaster that I watch said it would be sunny and 80 F. My guess is that he is used to humiliation by now. I will email him anyway.

It is 50 F. I have been sitting on the porch and watching it rain. You know, doing the things that we rural folks do. For example, picking ticks off of the dog. We have a new pup that was given his freedom here. Probably, dumped by some city folks who wanted to release him to his natural environment. He doesn’t like the thunder. I have named him thunder-barker. He will run into the yard, direct his snoot to the sky and bark at the thunder. Then, when the thunder stops, he will return with a self-satisfied look on his face. It says, "see, I stopped the thunder". Self-deception is so easy. He also barks at the geese, the frogs and turtles. He has learned about snappers. I won’t have to change his name to half-snoot.

Just a note. I got home at 4 this morning and have to leave again on Tuesday [I think, I will need to consult with my sec.]. I am really beginning to despise flying [I have graduated beyond disgust].

A good week to all.

Best wishes,,,,,


-- Anonymous, May 13, 2001



Do you have to travel so much? My pal in Academe also travels the world but he likes it and he does not have such a fine homestead to enjoy as do you.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001


I am afeared so. I have cut down. In 1999 I was away from home more than 25 weeks. I have been cutting down lately. Most folks don't know what the academic world is about; at least in my field. To keep my people working, I have to bring in 1/2 to a full mill. per year. That would be from gov. grants, industrial contracts and patents. We just started a new production facility in this small country north of England. The F&M problem has complicated that. At home, we have 800 to 1000 angus this year. Costs a bundle. Tomorrow, I get up at 4:00 am to fly to Cherriland.

I am recovering today. Made a loaf of fresh pumpernickel and some shorabat addas [which I liberally flavor with hot peppers]. Had some kind of of black cherry spread that came back from France. All very good.

Well, time for sleep. The dogs are upset because we are now on different biological clocks.

Best Wishes,,,,,


-- Anonymous, May 14, 2001

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