Leica Minlux

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'd like to get a Leica MiniLux Zoom. I was wondering what different models were made, and the value of them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Andrew

-- Andrew (bigfinned@hotmail.com), May 15, 2001


Before you buy, check the time delay between pressing the button and the shutter opening. Unless things have changed since I owned one (for a week) it is VERY different to quick response of the Leica M series. I took the worst photos in my entire life with it. My solution to the small camera dilemma was to get a non-zoom Ricoh GR-1 (28mm only, f2.8). Problematical for portraits, sure, but it can be pre-focussed to respond quickly.

-- john stockdale (jjss@bigpond.net.au), May 16, 2001.

There is only one Minilux zoom, it has a 35-70/f3.5-6.5 2x zoom lens. It has a titanium coated body

Other compact zoom Leicas:

Leica c1 : Vario Elmar 38-105 ASPH

Leica z2x Vario Elmar 35-70/f4-7.6

Leica C11: Vario Elmar 23-70 ASPH ASP

Compact autofocus cameras all have autofocus delay, you need to get used to it.

I use Nikon compact AF, Contax T2, Canon Elph, Canon 370z, all have autofocus delay, but they all deliver excellent pictures.

Certainly the time delay makes them not suitable for sport pictures.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 16, 2001.

Thought I'd take this oportunity to plug my favorite P&S, the new Contax T3. Unlike the Leica's which are Titanium coated, the body is actaully solid titanium. You can also set the camera up so it focuses the lens immediately when you lightly touch the shutter button, so there is no lag time when you actually go to take the picture. Camera has great accuracy in exposures with easy over-rides, a superb bright finder, and a lens that is second to none. The Contax G lovers are already talking that the new 35 f2.8 Sonnar on this camera is noticeably better than the 35f2.0 G series lens. From my first 4 rolls with mine, I'd have to agree. You should see the quality of the 8X12 prints I've been getting. I have also shot right into the sun with no flare, and the 1/1250 top speed is useful when shooting high speed film in daylight. The camera focuses to only .3 meters, and is 1/4 pound lighter than the Minilux, and 1/2 inch shorter in height and length. Don't buy a high end P&S until you've checked out the Contax T3.

-- Andrew schank (aschank@flash.net), May 16, 2001.

There is Japan Leica Minilux Club Leica Minilux Club

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 17, 2001.

Contax T3

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 17, 2001.

I use T2 for over ten years, (bought in 1990 ), the Sonnar 38/2.8 lens is indeed superb in sharpness and color rendering. I have pictures enlarger to 16x20".

The T3 has a newly design Sonnar 35/f2.8 lens, said to be even better.

I love the classic look of T2, and its very and intuitive contol no multiple button selection choices

The look of Minilux is also very elegant.

T3 looks so much like a Canon Elph 370z

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 17, 2001.

Mininlux vs Contax T2 vs Ricoh GR1 vs Rollei TE 35

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 31, 2001.

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