OK suckers, here is the next wave

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

Seeing that most are far too stupid to see the OBVIOUS. Most of you buy the "they didn't build any plants" baloney, here is Dumbsmuck's latest(i.e Enron's business model).

Bush Plan Urges Federal Electricity Deregulation or in plain English, Enron needs to move forward as Ken LayCEO needs to buy another Yacht by way of the tax and rate payers of the world.

As point of reference let's see how this model is doing in India, shall we? Enron invokes Centre’s counter-guarantee

Enron, Maharashtra Govt On Collision Course Again

You cannot deregulate a PIPE. The very reason a thing IS regulated is because the market lacks diversity efficient enough to allow a fair market. Anyone not getting this is probably well aware of this and wants the advantage afforded by eliminating the checks and balances.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2001


http://www.atimes.c om/reports/CA13Ai01.html

Pay particular attention to the last few paragraphs and sections. It shows what conditions are necessary for a vulture firm like Enron to enter. This same type of governemntal chaos WAS, and IS present in California. Legitimate business interests stay clear of these deals. However Enron has learned that a few key reps inside the Chaos will make the deal fly.

With Dubya in the WH, Enron and Co have the best Key Person any vulture could hope for.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2001

How come if you're so smart you're here instead of doing something usefull?

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2001

But at least *I* am smart. You are here to do what Carlos? ask stupid questions? Guess we all gots our parts to play.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2001

Doc, you are sounding more and more like our ‘other’ well-known delusional nut bag, Theodore Kaczynski. In all fairness to Ted, he is far smarter, better looking, and more in touch with reality then are ye. BTW, how’s the livestock holding up?

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001

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