What has happened to #Marp???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I was just going to enter the #marp room at Efnet and I could not get in... "Invite only" it said... after a few more tries I got in but the whole rooms was full of people or bots or whatever.. The only thing I recognized was the lazy and phuq bots.. without op!!

It looks like our friend that ironicly calls himself marp has taken over the #marp chatroom... go and look for yourself.

They are going to pay for this....



-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), May 18, 2001


Yeah, I was there when this unfortunate debacle happened.

To all those who wanted #marp on a different network: You got your wish. It's on XNet right now. I'll be reconstructing stuff as best I can.

I'd just like to, uh, 'thank' Mark Longridge for not realizing that Barry does NOT use Xtra (NZ's answer to AOL, apparently).


-- Kaidi Echitra (peng@demongate.ath.cx), May 18, 2001.

Great, now I'll be opening two copies of mIRC so that I can stay on #cps2shock as well... oh,well.

BeeJay isn't on Xtra either, btw. ;)

oh, and if anyone wants to hurl abuse at them, the channel is no longer invite only. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* ;)

-- Barry Rodewald (bsr@hnpl.net), May 18, 2001.

OK, for the time being, myself, Joey, QRS, and Mark have set up camp at #m.a.r.p. at EFNet, if anyone wants to join.

-- J.D. Lowe (jedidrunkenllama@hotmail.com), May 18, 2001.

On a side note, I banned that little twat "marp" last weekend. But then one of the bots removed the ban a couple hours later. This needs to be changed, what's the point of bans if they don't take effect?


-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), May 19, 2001.

bhwhahhahahahhaa delete all my posts eh? Maybe i should flood this board with

-- Cyb3R-M0nk3y (Suck-My-Cock@The-Whore-House.com), May 20, 2001.

gross picture deleted

-- Slut (fuckers@fucked.net), May 20, 2001.

In response to BBH's question about bans expiring, a ban set by a person will automatically be removed after a certain time. I can either disable that, or you can set a ban on the bot with .+ban (ask BenJos or me about that).

As for moving networks, it doesn't seem like we will ever get that done :) There will be a #marp web page set up soon, with news and links to the stats (http://irc.lazygenes.net is the stats page for now) and trivia and other good things. If anybody wants something added to it, let me know via email. Polls are probably a good thing. Like if we want to move, we can set up a poll with a list of networks, their good and bad points, etc. Minimizing the number of networks that people have to connect to would be the main goal - I'm usually on two (EFnet and OpenProjects). But that discussion doesn't need to take place here, or now. EFnet is doing ok for now apparently.

-- Seymour (seymour@iname.com), June 09, 2001.

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