Want a free goat in North Alabama?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread


Neutered and de-horned, Hamlet is around 5 years old, handsome,I think, has a nasty temperement, and smells. Belle, the queen goat, butts him all day just to remind him that she runs the world, and I think he would be a nicer goat in kinder surroundings. He does excellent yard work, if you overlook things like eating the rubber gaskets on the tractor.

His father and I are divorced and he stayed at the farm, where there is no one to trim his feet and shear him.He needs a good home where he will be cared for and appreciated for all his goaty qualities.

-- Suzi Noble (Suzinoble2000@cs.com), May 19, 2001


Yes. We live in Northwest Alabama and my husband and I were discussing getting a goat last night. Let me check with him and I will get back to you. Feel free to e-mail me with the details or any questions.

-- sarah warden (smhw911@yahoo.com), May 23, 2001.

WE have Angora rabbits but don't have our goat fence built yet. If you don't find anybody else to get him, we could probably find a place for him here in a hurry! Let me know! But my son is getting married this Sunday so it can't be this weekend.

If some others want him and already have a place that will be fine. Suzy in (north) Bama

-- Suzy in Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), May 23, 2001.

If the other Suzi that posted can take the goat let her, my husband isn't sure if now is a good time as we just got ducklings and chickens and he says we need to get them started first. And Lord willing we may be buying a large farm a couple miles from where we live now and we already have quite a few animals we will have to relocate anyway. If you don't find a home for him after a while let me know and we may be able to take him then.

-- sarah warden (smhw911@yahoo.com), May 26, 2001.

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