Sekonic L-508 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread |
Any 508 users out there have this trouble? I was using my meter today in non corded mode and my Lumedyne 200 w/s pack and the meter did not pick up the light. It was about 15 feet away at the 200 w/s seting shot into a 45" umbrella. At 10 feet, I got a reading of f/8. So at 20 feet it should have f/5.6 or f/4, right? That's beside the point, just testing you? Why didn't it pick up the light? I was triggering the flash both at the flash and via a Quantum radio slave. The same problem occured last week, but from about 30 feet.
-- Colin Miller (, May 19, 2001
I have noticed the same problem when trying to meter my Quantum flashes outdoors. I never did determine the problem. My guess at the time was that the difference between the flash and the sunlight was too small to be picked up by the meter.
-- Ed Farmer (, May 25, 2001.
While I'm considering buying an L-508 and do not own one, I did read a post that the spot flash meter will not read below f5.6. Check the specs, it's supposed to be in there.Bob
-- Bob Kleffner (, July 07, 2002.