1891 Accident

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I'm looking for information on an 1891 collision near the Georgia-Alabama state line. I don't have an exact date. I don't know which railway was involved, but I believe it was later merged into the Southern. The engineer was William W. Berry of Atlanta. Can anyone tell me what railways were operating in that area at that time? Does anyone have any thoughts on how I could nail this down? I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Many thanks. Joe T.

-- Joe Treen (JTREEN@aol.com), May 20, 2001


Visit the Georgia State Library and go through the Atlanta newspapers on microfilm for 1891. If the accident involved two trains and one, or both, were passenger trains, the incident would have been covered in the newspapers. Railroad possibilties: East & West of Alabama, Georgia Pacific, Chattanooga Southern, and several others.

-- Tom Underwood (tlunder@attglobal.net), May 21, 2001.

i have a headache.

-- ron w (ron@wok.com), April 18, 2002.

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