To contrast Jon's question, what's the finest piece of literature you've read? : LUSENET : 15shillings : One Thread

To define the question better, I want you to name a truly classic novel; one that you enjoyed, specifically. One with high attention to detail, one that was well written, one with a pertinent message for the time, but not one that was inaccessible. No books younger than 1979 will be considered a 'classic'; as an example, 'American Psycho' would not be the kind of response I'm looking for.

My vote is for Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand. It actually did change the way I looked at most of my life, not to mention my views on morality and other things.

-- J'sang'spar (, May 25, 2001


Hmmm... interesting question...

I'll tell my top 3 favorite pieces of classic literature and why...

1) Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: My brother once asked me why this was my favorite novel of all time... I replied that I love tales of tragic unrequited love, Byronic heroes and tragic hubris induced deaths... His response was "huh?" I read this book in "Women's voices in literature class" in high school (Only guy in the class) and wrote my senior thesis on this novel in college.

2) Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien: The definative fantasy classic... Someone once told me that this book was supposed to reflect America's entrance into WWII. You see the hobbits represent America and they are the "foriegners" that are brought in to save the world, although they preferred to be isolationist, just like the American's before Dec 14...

3) Midsummer's Night Dream: My personal favorite Shakespear play... It's just too funny, even read today... (I have an uncanny knack for being able to easily understand the barb).

-- Jon Leggett (, May 25, 2001.

I truly love Gods word for it has the essence of life freeing ones soul to understand the evils and makeup of our world. The struggle of Jesus to simply reveal to people the kingdom of God. His composure and love for his enimies. To know that words of life are there to fill us, what a joy. A letter from our creator enlighting our hearts to those who believe! MAy Jesus save you!!

-- Alex saved by Jesus (, May 29, 2001.

Alex: So are you saying that you really enjoy the bible on a literature level? I myself enjoy reading Revelations to try to figure out what each symbol represents... I'm also on the eternal quest to find that passage in the bible that specifically states Pre-marital sex is wrong... I've never been able to find it... I'm sure it is in there somewhere...

I've always found the idea interesting that Christian faiths states that when scripture is written it is their God working through them, thus inspiring them to write his will. It's a pretty cool idea... Thats how religious leader justify stating that the bible law is final cause it comes directly from the man upstairs. Of course I do sometimes believe that certain interpretations are way off base...

-- Jon Leggett (, May 31, 2001.

Jon: I agree on the revelations bit. I used to read that all the time, trying to figger out what half the shit was. It was the only book of the bible that I actually could recite passages from. Well, at least until we sang Psalm 23 in many different variations in Choir(including a version sung in Hebrew. How cool is that?)

But on a lit note, my favorite classic novel has to be Victor Hugo's Les Miserables(for those of you who know me, youd never guess, eh?) A powerful story of one mans life, and the difference he made on those around him. Its got everything from crime & punishment, to love, to religion, to revolution. My advice, read the abridged version first, and then, a few months later read teh unabridged version. The difference is 550 pages vs 1500 pages. the longer one is easier to read once you've learned the story line.

Other good ones, hmm, lets see...most of Robert Heinlein's later work is great, the ones that aren't just sci fi fluff, but really dealve into a philosophical realm: Stranger in a Strange Land, Time Enough For Love, Job: A Comedy of Justice are a bunch of his best work. Check them out sometime.

anyway, thats my dimes worth. Peace out yo!

-- The Great Sanfordini (, June 22, 2001.

Well, I can't go with just one as there are so many good ones out there. These are not really in any order 1. The Hunting of the Snark (Those who know me will understand) A book not intended to be interpreted, but even Lewis Carroll thought that the search for happiness was the best interpretation for this poem. 2. The Aeneid - Epic poetry telling the struggle of Aeneas from the Trojan war through the founding of Rome. Best read in the origional Latin. The attention to detail is amazing and the hero is one that you can get behind. 3. Gone With the Wind - It is so much better than the movie (although the movie was fantastic). 4. McBeth - My favorite play by Shakespeare. Being a psyc major explains this one. 5. Rebecca - It is a great suspense novel. I loved the way it builds the characters.

I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that.

-- Boojum (, September 06, 2001.

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