pregnant doe (can they act like they are in heat?) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I everyone.just a quick question.I have a pregnant doe,14 months old and she is due in 3 weeks.She keeps acting like she is trying to arch her back or like she wants to get mounted.She is pregnant,I fell the babys kicking.thans for any help.

-- lori nolan (, May 29, 2001


Response to pregnant doe

On arching her back, just like us when we are very large and pregnant, everything is uncomfortable, she may be positioning kids. By now you should see alot of udder developement, sometimes the only clue a very large yearling, with a large barrel (mistaken for pregnancy) and an active rumen (mistaken for kids kicking)will have. I also have had a doe come into all the symptoms of standing heat, she was Nubian so she was hollaring, flagging, a mild discharge with a slightly swollen vulva. She allowed a buck to mount her, though he did not breed her and she kidded in the buck pen with a full udder the next day. Previously she had no udder development at all, something with my milky girls was very abnormal. Actually when she was younger, she is now 8, I worried about her being a free martin, since she was always acting so bucky to her pen mates. She still does detect heat for me quiet nicely, though is a very nice doe, a prolific kidder of bucks :) and a nice milk supply. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, May 29, 2001.

Response to pregnant doe

I have seen them arching their back as you are descibing. Yes, it is a lot like the arching that takes place during breeding. when they are not being bred, this movement seems to be related to straining to eliminate- constipation, which is common in pregnancy. Try to make sure she is getting plenty of fiber in her everyday diet, but don't make any drastic changes. She will be OK.

-- Rebekah (, May 30, 2001.

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