(Canon 370Z) What Does this Blinking "H" mean?????greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread |
Hey I have been having a bit of a problem with my Canon Elph 370Z. It seems that whenever I look at it it has an "H" on the LCD screen and It wont let me do anything (take pictures). When I turn it on the lens dosnt open so I figured it was the battery. Well, I tired changing the battery but the "H" was still there blinking. If only I knew what to do I would be taking pictues but I have no clue what to do.
-- Dan Burdi (burd87@hotmail.com), May 30, 2001
Only a guess (but based on my L1 (Elph Jr)), but it may well be "H" for "HELP"! i.e. the camera has detected some sort of error. If removing the battery for several minutes doesn't clear it, then it needs to be sent to the repairer. Assuming it's worth the cost of repair, that is!
-- Jeremy (bmjb@hotmail.com), June 02, 2001.