Root cellars and other stuff. [Christian Talk] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

A cheep, quick root cellar can be had for pennys and sometimes nothin. Now, this ain't no [how's that for proper english?] old time, dug-in-the-ground one cause we're in a hurry---remember?

For temporary use until one can be built underground or in a hill-try using an old discarded refrigerator or chest type deep freezer. They can even be burried in the ground but they would have to be "in the dry" so groundwater wouldn't leak inside. They also make good "pump houses" to install waterpumps inside. Easily kept warm with a small lightbulb in the wintertime.

Now, for the BIG news!!!! I bought a brand new chainsaw last week. Told Lil Dumplin I was goin in the loggin business and really needed that double bitt'd ax of mine. Wondered just where she'd hid it. SHE MOST HAD A FIT!!! I was only teasin'r--really! I did buy a small electric saw to trim small branches on my many trees. Easier to use an electric saw for that small task than to worry with gasoline etc. Well anyhow, bought it as Wallyworld for $35.00. Money well spent.

Our website [] is still down for upgrades. Should be up this week.

"My sheep hear My voice and a stranger they will not follow"! I'm listenin Lord. I'm attempting to pass on all the info I can quickly in case somebody can benefit from it. "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus"! Matt.24;44

-- hoot (, June 03, 2001


Hey Hoot

What size did 35 dollars buy?

-- Rick K (, June 04, 2001.

Hey Rick! Sorry I didn't tell what it was! Old age maybe? It is a 14" Poulan and seems to be a rite smart little dude. Noisey as all get out but it cuts!! Plenty big nuff for my little trimmin jobs but I doubt if it would be nearly good nuff for cuttin firewood. Matt.24:44

-- Old Paul Bunyon---hoot, that is. (, June 04, 2001.

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